An inability to conceive is a common problem today given the changing external and internal environments. Infertility is a worldwide problem affecting over 8-12 % of couples (50-80 million) during their reproductive lives. It is the biological inability of an individual to contribute to conception and in case of females the inability to carry the pregnancy to full term.
Given the lifestyles, dietary habits, exercise and sleep patterns and the overall environment today, individuals are far more prone to this than ever before. So what possible solutions can we look for other than modern medicine which involves invasive treatments and heavy medicinal dose which every individual if possible would like to avoid? Here we will look at some possible options namely Ayurvedic herbs that can help sort the problem.
Ashoka (Saraca asoca), this is a small evergreen tree and inherently contains a compound that has a stimulating effect on the ovarian tissue and also help during menstrual cycles.
Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) is recommended in the treatment of uterine disorders. The stem has anti-inflammatory properties and used in Ayurveda for various female disorders.
Shatavari (Asparagus racemosus) is a foetal tonic, Shatavari kalp works as rasayan in threatened abortion, menorrhagia, suppressed lactation and low sperm count.
Kumari (Aloe barbadensis) is a known diuretic. By virtue of being snigdha and pichchil, it promotes the secretion of semen and acts as an aphrodisiac. Being ushna, it increases the flow of blood to the uterus and promotes contraction as a result of which it leads to uterine bleeding. Hence kala bol is used locally for treatment of amennorhoea.
(Amruta/Guduchi- Tinospora cardifolia) is said to be aphrodisiac being shukragami, snigdha and madhur vipak and hence helps the reproductive system.
Although the problem of infertility is on the rise with the changing environment and increasing stress levels, this can be contained and cured easily with certain changes in our lifestyles and adequate dietary supplements along with precise ayurvedic supplements such as the herbs listed here.
Panchakarma and Ayurvedic Treatment for infertility and PCOS in Pune:
Here at SMV Ayurveda Research Center which is based in Pune our aim is to provide best treatment of Panchakarma and a treatment to resolve polycystic ovaries conditions with help of specialized Ayurvedic Infertility treatments of Ayurveda. Here Basic research for the treatment of polycystic ovarian disease (PCOS) is carried out since last 12 years by Vaidya Vinesh Nagare who is Gynaecologist.