Important Herbs in Ayurveda for Women
Women’s body rhythm is closely linked to the nature. Ayurveda helps them to set it right. These Ayurvedic herbs not only cure
Ayurveda – Art of Being | A Beautiful Documentary
Ayurveda is the science of life, and an art of healing; where body, mind and spirit are given equal importance.This voyage of thousands of miles across India and abroad takes […]
Mind According to Trigunas
Ayurveda takes Indian Metaphysical concepts or the concepts which explain the formation of universe, as the basis of its philosophy. Therefore Ayurveda takes into account the concept of Trigunas and […]
Ayurveda Over Western Medicine – TED Talk
Ayurveda has a history as long as a human civilization and even beyond. Ayurveda was perfected by ingenious minds and proficient hands and is aimed at the physical, mental and […]
Universal Nature of Ayurveda
Ayurveda is a science of life. Ayurveda accepts and asserts that every entity on this earth, living or non-living is produced by the five primordials or five pentads or Pancha […]
Infertility and Ayurveda
In the ancient scriptures of Ayurveda, there is quite a bit of knowledge of the ancestors about Infertility, its causes, its treatments and much more. Ayurveda is a way of […]
PCOS and Anxiety
As if getting pelvic cysts and potentially struggling with fertility weren’t enough, women with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are also at a higher risk of developing anxiety. Now, a new […]
Beneficial Yoga Asanas for Women
Even though the Infographic says it all, here is some additional information about all the Yoga Asanas – Baddha Konasana The word “Baddha” stands for “Bound” in Sanskrit and the […]
Restore Your Mind and Body with Panchakarma
A recent scientific study showed that the average 30-year-old person actually has a 45-year-old body. Even though we are living longer, we are metabolically aging faster than generations before us. […]
How Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility is Effective
Ayurveda is one of the oldest treatment methods which is estimated to be over 5000 years old. It is more reliable than what we think and is based upon three […]