Uterine Fibroids:
Uterine Fibroids, one of the most prevalent reproductive disorders; It affects over a hundred and seventy million women the world over, and still counting. The cause is unknown, there is no prevention and there’s no medicinal cure.
The story of Meenal gives a heart-rending insight into the hardship that so many women over the world silently live over. Meenal was studying in The United States when she first discovered her fibroids. In the prime of her youth, a Sonography report revealed multiple muscle tumors in the uterus, one of them six centimetres long.
Every one in five women develop Uterine fibroids by the age of fifty. The symptoms do not always, or immediately, manifest; but they can cause heavy or abnormal menstruation, prolonged periods and pelvic pain. The fibroids can also affect pregnancy, may cause infertility, and sometimes intercourse itself becomes painful.
Meenal’s situation was grave. The Uterine fibroids were multiple and quite large. There were too many Ifs and Maybes. The pleasures of marriage and parenthood could be denied. At twenty-six, she was looking at a life filled with medical complications and physical and emotional distress.
The prognosis was simple, a painful life or an invasive surgery; the latter of which, in itself risked vaginal bleeding and even infertility.
Modern medicine offers two procedures to treat severe multiple fibroids: A surgery to remove the fibroids from the Uterus or a surgery to remove the Uterus. The latter option, though shocking, is unfortunately taken up by many women after menopause who get tired of living a painful and terribly inconvenient life. But, like Meenal, for most women, the only option is to undergo a surgery to remove the fibroids from the Uterus. However, as any medical professional would tell you, the female reproductive system is devilishly complex. Even in the best of hands, it can sometimes go wrong to produce complications ranging from vaginal bleeding to blood clot in the lungs. Yes, in a desperate situation like Meenal’s, with no other option, you might, albeit extremely reluctantly, be willing to play your chances. But what if you actually had another option?
Meenal didn’t want to play her chances. She was unwilling to put herself under the surgeon’s knife at such a young age and decided to turn to traditional healthcare for answers. After extensive research and consultation, she discovered Dr. Vinesh Nagare of Shri Maulivishwa Ayurveda Research Centre in Pune and contacted him in the hopes of an answer.
Although, the geographical distance was a significant hurdle and the inability to examine Meenal in person made it quite difficult for the doctor to assess her; they persisted in their communication. Along with her primary affliction, her whole body and lifestyle was analyzed to facilitate the holistic approach that is Ayurvedic Medicine. And after extensive consultation through Skype, she was finally diagnosed to have developed a case of Mansadushti and the decision was taken to immediately commence the treatment. She was sent specially prepared Ayurvedic medicines from Pune. In addition to that, she was provided with expert guidance in making the crucial changes and improvements in her diet, sleep cycle, exercise routine, daily and habits and general lifestyle. The idea was to get better by living better.
And, she did just that. During the next months, she stringently followed her medical prescription and gradually but easily adopted an Ayurvedic lifestyle. Slowly, but steadily, the changes showed. She started feeling better and healthier. After four months, she again went for an ultrasound examination. And, sure enough, the report revealed that all but one of the fibroids were completely absorbed into the body, and the one remaining fibroid was reduced to a benign centimetre-and-half long.
Sometimes, life requires us to have faith. In the most desperate of times, if one is able to remain patient and persistent, the rewards can life-changing.
Meenal is now married and has borne a healthy child. Her lifestyle has transformed into an expression of a healthy and happy soul.
Shri Maulivishwa Ayurveda has worked magic.