
3 Pregnancy Stages Every Woman Must Know

3 Pregnancy Stages Every Woman Must Know


pregnancy stages-pregnancy

When you start to plan a family, begin by knowing everything about pregnancy. Being informed about how to get pregnant, the pregnancy stages and foetal development, dietary precautions, pregnancy exercises and so on, helps greatly. As you approach the delightful moment of motherhood, every stage comes with its own changes and developments.


What are Pregnancy Stages?

In general, the duration of pregnancy is from 37 to 42 weeks. It starts from the first day of the last period. If your menstrual cycle is of 28 days, you will be four weeks pregnant on the day your next period would be due.

This duration of 40 weeks is divided into trimesters, each of which is about 12 to 13 weeks that is three months. These pregnancy stages bring various changes in your body, which prepare your body for childbirth and facilitate the growth of your baby.


First Trimester (1st to 12th Week)

Many hormonal changes occur during the first trimester. It has effects on your physical state as well as mental well-being. This is early pregnancy and missing your periods is the earliest sign.

First trimester comes with several changes as the embryo develops fast and its parts begin to shape up. These changes can be managed with proper diet, rest and positive thinking. Some of these changes pass as the pregnancy progresses.

pregnancy stages-first trimester


Changes during first trimester

  • Tiredness and fatigue
  • Vomiting feeling and nausea (morning sickness)
  • Tenderness, fullness or swelling of breasts
  • Frequent feeling to pass urine
  • Headache, drowsiness
  • Craving or nausea of certain foods
  • Constipation
  • Mood swings or irritation
  • Pain in the abdomen


Second Trimester (13th to 28th Week)

During the second semester, your pregnancy becomes more visible. The morning sickness might disappear, but some other changes take place such as growing abdomen. The most delightful part of this semester is that at the end of this trimester the baby starts to move, and you feel it.

During this period, the baby continues to grow. His organs such as kidneys, ears start developing. He or she begins to pass urine, hear sounds, suck their thumb.

pregnancy stages-second trimester


Changes during the second trimester

  • Stretch marks on stomach, breasts, thighs or buttocks
  • Itching of the abdomen
  • Body ache such as back pain or pain in the pelvic region
  • Weight gain
  • Darkening of the skin around eyes, over nose, cheeks etc.
  • Numbness in hands
  • Swelling of the ankles, face or fingers
  • Darkening of the nipples


Third Trimester (28th to 40th Week)

Third semester is a very crucial period. Some previous discomforts will continue, and some new changes will happen. Breathing difficulty and frequent urinary feeling are the most common because of the rising size of the baby.

As the delivery date approaches, the cervix becomes thinner and softer. It is a natural process that enables the vagina to open during the delivery.

pregnancy stages-third trimester


Changes in the Third Trimester

  • Shortness of breath
  • Tender breasts
  • Heartburn
  • Fatigue and sleeplessness
  • Rise in blood pressure
  • Varicose veins
  • Contractions
  • Baby moving downwards

With such consistent care, happy mind, following doctor’s advice and the support of your family, going through the stages of pregnancy will be easier. The three trimesters will pass as they should, and the pregnancy will be a rewarding experience for you and your family. Be an informed mother. Know your pregnancy and you will be able to face it well.


Care to be taken during pregnancy stages

pregnancy stages-Care to be taken

  • Taking prescribed vitamins
  • Eating healthy diet full of fruits, nuts, vegetables, fibre and protein
  • Drink enough water and be hydrated
  • Exercise as per doctor’s advice
  • Avoid alcohol, smoking and caffeine
  • Light walking
  • Taking enough rest

With such consistent care, happy mind, following doctor’s advice and the support of your family, going through the stages of pregnancy will be easier. The three trimesters will pass as they should, and the pregnancy will be a rewarding experience for you and your family. Be an informed mother. Know your pregnancy and you will be able to face it well.


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About SMV Ayurveda

Shri Maulivishwa Ayurveda Research Center is dedicated to research in Ayurveda for women’s health. Vaidya Vinesh Nagare, who is a gynecologist, specializes in Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility, PCOD/PCOS and other menstrual problems of women.

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