Ayurveda and Its Treatments
Ayurveda and Its Treatments Our ancient holistic system of medication based on the idea of creating balance of mind, body and our environment using diet, herbal treatment, massage and yogic breathing is the very basis of Ayurveda. It is has been incorporated in the Atharva Veda, the last of our Vedas. Based on this principle […]
Asanas of Yoga
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Ayurveda – A Modern Age Boon
It is a unique, indispensable branch of science and medicine, a completely naturalistic system which depends on diagnosis of the human body based on the body constitution – it classifies body constitutions into vata, pitta and kapha. The principle of Ayurveda not only focuses on healing someone but also on finding the major cause of illness […]
Herbs to help cure Infertility
An inability to conceive is a common problem today given the changing external and internal environments. Infertility is a worldwide problem affecting over 8-12 % of couples (50-80 million) during their reproductive lives. It is the biological inability of an individual to contribute to conception and in case of females the inability to carry the […]
Infertility – An Outcome of Our Lifestyle
Our bodies evolved to be ‘in tune’ with their environment, but in recent times this synchronicity seems to have been impacted by multiple factors guiding our lifestyles. These factors are the modifiable habits and ways of life that can greatly influence overall health and well-being, including fertility. About Infertility The number of infertile people in […]
Significance of Ayurveda in the Modern Age | Ayurvedic Treatment in Pune
Ayurveda- the concept Ayurveda is the traditional Hindu system of medicine based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment and yogic breathing for creating equilibrium. Through a variety of detoxification and massage treatments combined with specific diet and lifestyle changes along with yoga, it aims to re-balance the body, […]
Uttar Basti in Brief | Ayurvedic Uttara Basti Treatment in Pune
Abbout Uttar Basti Uttar Basti is an important Panchakarma procedure for the genito–urinary disorders of both, males and females. The therapy involves administration of a specific medicinal oil, ghrita or decoction into the urinary bladder or uterus. In this procedure medicine is instilled in the Uterus in females per vagina or in the bladder in […]
Infertility Myths and Facts | Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility in Pune
Infertility is a complex and often misunderstood condition, which is why there’s so much confusion surrounding it. Here are common myths to watch out for — and help dispel. Myth 1: Infertility is almost always a woman’s problem. Fact: When there’s an identifiable cause of infertility, about half the time men contribute to the problem, […]
Ayurvedic Perspective on Infertility | Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility in Pune
Ayurveda is one of the oldest treatment methods which is estimated to be over 5000 years old. It is more reliable than what we think and is based upon three doshas which are Vata, Pitta and Kapha which is believed to constitute the structural and functional unit of all living cells, tissues, organs and the […]
Benefits of Panchakarma | Panchakarma Treatment in Pune
You may know about panchakarma as an Ayurvedic cleanse, but the benefits go far beyond that. People have been undergoing panchakarma for centuries because it not only removes toxins from the tissues of your body, but also promotes healing and rejuvenation in your whole being. That’s because panchakarma centers on rebuilding the strength of agni, digestive […]